Software Development
Software Engineer Characteristics
Software engineers need extra skills:
1 ) technical complexity (a problem that requires algorithms, classes, architectural
thought, few design patterns, data structures to solve) can be simplified to be easier to work with.
2 ) people/organisational complexity (the feature is not complex but navigating across multiple teams, consensus and politics and alignment across the organisation) (even writing documentation that allows people to onboard faster is part of people complexity)
3 ) ambiguity complexity (problem not clear so solution not clear, cant scope well
and dont know what a good solution looks like, which can be tackled by building poc, doing some research at different methods, presentation, help craft a roadmap for it)
4 ) leadership (about initiative, taking responsinility for a cause and being proactive, being more self managing, a get it done attitude, every team needs people that can drive a project)
5 ) impact (generating value for company through more users, less dropoff, more revenue, more sales. Improving metrics by doing the dirty work that isnt so fun like 2 3 and 4)
April 1, 2020